a.k.a. Burned Marshmallow Porter
December 15, 2012
5 gal.
6 lb. Dark LME
½ lb. Chocolate Malt
½ lb. Carapils Grain Blend
1 oz. Willamette Hops (Bittering)
1 oz. Fuggles Hops (Aroma)
1 pkg. Munton’s 6 gm. Dry Yeast
12/15/12 - Steeped specialty malts for 30 min. at 160. Added LME before raising temperature.. Boiled for 55 min. Added aroma hops. Boiled for 5 min. Cooled in ice bath for 30 min down to 80 degrees. Strained wort into bucket through metal strainer and colander. OG is 1.050. Hydrated yeast in 1 cup of tap water. Pitched at 72 degrees. Total brew time four hours. Julie bought new airlock so we can get carboy and fermenter running concurrently. Go team!
12/20/12 - Took a gravity reading. SG is 1.022. Rotated fermenter a few times to hopefully rouse yeast and get them to finish the job.
12/21/12 - Racked beer to carboy. SG is still 1.022. Auto siphon hose is a pain in the butt. End that goes in the carboy needs to not curl back up towards the top of the carboy.
12/30/12 - FG is now 1.019. ABV of 4.1%. Forgot the kit didn’t come with bottle caps. Only had 29 leftovers. Bottled rest of beer in three Grolsch bottles and ⅔ filled the Mad Fox growler. That might over-carbonate. Yielded 4.5 gallons.
1/6/13 - Tried bottle. It’s fully carbonated already. On the lookout for bottle bombs. Tastes like burned marshmallows.
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